Flask-RestX/Plus: Sort namespace in Swagger.

Obi kastanya
3 min readJan 16, 2024


Flask-RestX/Plus is a good framework to integrate your restful API with Swagger. The company I work for also uses it. They are a great tool. But recently, I realized something annoying.

“Swagger namespace is not ordered”

As a documentation, I can’t accept this. API documentation should be easy to read and help people understand the API functionality. Unordered means hard to navigate and hard to understand.

Only a few resources on the internet talk about this issue. If you came to this article, you may encounter the same problem. Let me help you.

Flask-RestX/Plus does not provide a method to order the namespace on Swagger (Until this time: 2024–02–16).

The namespace order depends on the order when we register the namespace.

Take a look at the following codes:

from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import Api

from config import AppConfig

from modules.login.route import ns as login_namespace
from modules.fish.route import ns as fish_namespace
from modules.cat.route import ns as cat_namespace
from modules.sheep.route import ns as sheep_namespace
from modules.dog.route import ns as dog_namespace

api = Api(
title="Pets Shop API",
description="API for Pets Shop App",


api.add_namespace(login_namespace, path='/login')
api.add_namespace(dog_namespace, path='/dog')
api.add_namespace(fish_namespace, path='/fish')
api.add_namespace(cat_namespace, path='/cat')
api.add_namespace(sheep_namespace, path='/sheep')

app =Flask(__name__)

if __name__=="__main__":
app.run(debug=True, port=5000)

That is a simple flask_restx configuration for my PetShop API.

Take a look at the following lines:

api.add_namespace(login_namespace, path='/login')
api.add_namespace(dog_namespace, path='/dog')
api.add_namespace(fish_namespace, path='/fish')
api.add_namespace(cat_namespace, path='/cat')
api.add_namespace(sheep_namespace, path='/sheep')

That is the order of our namespace on the swagger. This is what the Swagger UI looks like:

Manual ordering is acceptable and easier if you have small amounts of API. But in my case, I have a lot of features and it’s impossible to order all of them.

To solve this problem, we should override the Api class.

Then we should add a method to sort the namespace by the namespace name.

Each time we register a namespace, we should reorder the namespaces.

This is what the codes look like:

from flask_restx import Api as Api_

class Api(Api_):

def add_namespace(self, ns, path=None):
This method registers resources from namespace for current instance of api.
You can use argument path for definition custom prefix url for namespace.

:param Namespace ns: the namespace
:param path: registration prefix of namespace
if ns not in self.namespaces:

self.sort_namespace() # add this line

if self not in ns.apis:
if path is not None:
self.ns_paths[ns] = path

for r in ns.resources:
urls = self.ns_urls(ns, r.urls)
self.register_resource(ns, r.resource, *urls, **r.kwargs)

for name, definition in ns.models.items():
self.models[name] = definition
if not self.blueprint and self.app is not None:
self._configure_namespace_logger(self.app, ns)

# add this method
def sort_namespace(self):
"""Sort swagger UI sections based on namespace name."""
self.namespaces = sorted(self.namespaces, key=lambda ns: ns.name)

Now this is what the swagger looks like.

Now the namespace is ordered by the namespace name.


If you need to see the full code, visit my GitHub repository here.

